Senin, 24 Juni 2013



                                                NAME                        : HUSEN
                                                ID                                : 16209347
                                                CLASS                       : 4EA01
                                                MAYOR                     : MANAGEMENT



            Along with the increasing human needs, technological developments are rapidly accelerating. In entering the era of globalization, more and more technologies that may facilitate human to perform various activities of life. Advances in transportation, communication, health, education, and other fields are a few examples of technologies that we increasingly need in this life. Thus, no doubt the role of technology in human life.
            At present, the world has come to know a technology called the Internet. Through the Internet, people can communicate with others who are in different parts of the world. Through this medium they can also obtain and submit required information anytime and anywhere. With a global network, the Internet can be accessed 24 hours a day. So requires certain information, in a matter of seconds we can get it simply by accessing the internet. Can imagine how big the internet media role in our lives.
            Internet not only can be used in the search for information only. Internet media is also used by various groups in making its businesses through the development of the site as a promotional medium run business. Warnet (Warung Internet) is one of the business opportunities in the services sector with a growing potential market. Conditions such as these used by a provider of Internet Café located on Jl. Access UI Kelapa Dua, Depok, namely Vidi Net.
            As time goes by, more and more are popping up another cafe, thus causing this business competition is getting tougher. Even today Vidi Net flanked by 5 (five) business other cafe within two hundred meters of the impact of the reduction in customers. This makes Vidi Net requires a more innovative business strategies and effective in order to cope with the pressure on the competition, even expected to expand its business with greater.

Problem Formulation
            What marketing strategies are most effective in demand by customers?

Research Objectives
            To know what marketing strategies are most effective in demand by customers.

Benefit of Research
a. Entrepreneur For Figuring
Provide feedback to entrepreneurs figuring as consideration in future business continuity.
b. For Researchers
Gain Knowledge and insight about the marketing strategy especially on figuring.

Research Approach
            Research using the 4P strategy people, place, price, and promotion. Analysis method using Likert scale analysis.


            One of the companies that use the services of a marketing strategy is figuring services located at Jl. Access UI Kelapa Dua, Depok, namely Vidi Net.
            Form of marketing strategy is to use the 4P strategy people, place, promotion and price. And in this paper will be discussed in the 4P's cafe services business "Vidi Net" and will mengetaui where are some of the factors that have the 4P highest factor according to the customer.
1. Place
            One of the marketing strategies applied to internet services is to begin operations around Kelapa Dua is located close to campus or student kostan in order to attract customers to use the internet service.
2. Promotion
            In addition established in strategic places, the types of businesses provide some offers for consumers who want to use their internet services by providing mini canteen, a place of business or a large enough space to park two-wheelers and a closed cubicle.
3. Price
            Price applied by the internet service business as well as other internet service business is quite affordable by students. For example, the billing package offers personal, group, prepaid gaming, vouchers, etc. depending on the needs of users with a wide variety of prices is not far off the regular price. For personal, for the first 30 minutes only cost Rp. 500, - alone.
4. People
            Customers who use the internet services business is not only by students but also by all the community. Good for the students or for the people who are still in school or working.
            Services provided by the employee or the employee cafe is quite normal, even relatively less reliable so this became one of the weaknesses of the service business.
            Marketing strategies undertaken by Vidi Net is good enough that the main target customers are students. In addition, through pemasaraan strategy as previously discussed making customers who use the Internet "Vidi Net" feel pretty satisfied, although still a few who become loyal customers this internet service. And for Vidi Net itself, the lack of loyal customers can reduce the amount of profit generated every day even every month.
Likert Scale Analysis Methods
Likert scale used to measure attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of a person or group of people about social phenomena. With a Likert scale, the variables to be measured are translated into an indicator variable. Then the indicator variables are taken as a starting point to develop instrument items that can be questions or statements. Answer any instrument that uses a Likert scale has gradations from very positive to very negative, which can be words such as: Very Important (SP), Important (P), Hesitates (R), Not Important (TP), Very not Important (STP). The categories used by a Likert scale of importance and performance analysis with five categories as follows (Supranto: 1997).
Very Important (VI)
Important (I)
Hesitates  (H)
Not Important (NI)
Very Not Important (VNI)
            Statement classification of each category is calculated based on the values ​​obtained from the questionnaire by multiplying the weight value of the categories that have been determined by the number of respondents who had answered, as well as the percentage obtained from the result of the division of the weight value is then multiplied by the number of respondents 100%.
a. % Number of Respondents: Number of Respondents x 100%
The whole number of Respondents
b. Value: Weight x Number of Respondents
Based on the number of respondents 50 people, it can be determined by using the weight rating range, which can be calculated through the highest value and the lowest value was calculated as follows:
a. Rated:
Total Respondents Rated X Weight
50 x 5
= 250
b. lowest Value
Total Respondents x Weight Low
50 x 1
= 50
c. distance
Rated - Low Value
= 200
d. interval
Distance / Lots of Class
= 40
            Here is a questionnaire that I have made to determine which factors are some of the most effective above 4P held by customers. Respondents in distributing questionnaires was 50 with a random sampling method.
Example Questionnaire:

1.      P
The price of internet services "Vidi Net" affordable for the public, especially students

Vidi Net provides billing package in the operations

2.      P
Place or location Vidi strategic Net or close to where students live or kostan

Net Vidi opened several branches around Kelapa Dua to facilitate consumer

3.      P
Net Vidi have enclosed cubicle and a small canteen

Net Vidi promotional activities through social media (facebook, twitter and blog)

4.      P
Net Vidi consumers not only from the students but also for all the

Services provided by Net Vidi well and can satisfy customers

            After spreading the questionnaire as above by the number of respondents with a random sample of 50 people, then get results like this:
• In terms of price the results obtained by 17% of the 50 respondents
• In terms of place the results obtained by 51% of the 50 respondents
• In terms of people showed 19% of the 50 respondents
• In terms of promotion results obtained by 13% of the 50 respondents


From the conclusion of the above data is that the factor of 4P above factors the most effective place to attract customers. Because a strategic place that is close enough to campus that attract students to come. In addition to its strategic place, Vidi Net also provides ample room and closed so comfortable in using the internet facility. People and the price factor also becomes very important because in addition to the place, customers who wish to use the Internet in Net Vidi course not only among students, but the surrounding community as well. Then there's the price factor is also taken into consideration the customer. While the promotion factor, classified as the smallest since the promo is offered classified as normal or you could say almost the same as most other cafes.
We recommend that if you want to add Vidi Net profit in its Internet services business is by adding a new business that is related to the main business Online Games, facility of accessing internet with Wifi stew (prepaid) for those users who are more comfortable using a personal laptop and designing a website portal for optimize the delivery of information products and services to customers Vidi Net Internet online for example via facebook or twitter.
Then, it could add another business products that are not related to the main business is selling vouchers Hand Phone, the current business conditions suitable for figuring out which strategies are in place around the boarding school / college students, add a copy of the business as well as selling stationery.


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Fachkurniawan. 2002. Analisis Strategi Bisnis Perusahaan Jasa Instalatir di Kabupaten Gresik. Skripsi Tidak Diterbitkan, Universitas Gresik.
Kotler, Philip. 1998. Manajemen Pemasaran, Analisis, Perencanaan, Implementasi dan Kontral. Jilid 2. PT. Prenhallindo, Jakarta.

Supranto. 1997. Statistik, Teori dan Aplikasi. Edisi 5. Erlangga, Jakarta.

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